A cracker of a day was had by all as we went out to take part in the 2021 Manser Family Wines vintage!

Stretching out over 16 acres, the Manser Family vineyard starts at the top of a hill and rolls down into a shallow valley, located near Kuitpo Forest, just a stone’s throw from McLaren Vale. These vines are unique; four different clones planted randomly throughout the vineyard to ensure complexity and consistency year in year out. This vineyard has previously supplied many award winning wines including Starve Dog Lane and the Hardy’s flagship red, Eileen Hardy Shiraz. With picking underway, it really was an all-in effort to get this fruit picked and sent down the hill quickly to their craftsman Phil “The Silver Fox” Christiansen.

After months of waiting, the fruit was ready to be picked. The sun was out and the crew were out in force, picking beautiful ripe fruit off the vines for their Dad’s Block and Block 4 2021 Shiraz.

It was a fun filled, family atmosphere with Phil and Father Bernie Manser leading the way. You could feel the excitement in the air, the day was well orchestrated with music and laughs for everyone involved.

There’s no doubt these wines are going to be awesome and with Phil Manser describing the ferments as “blueberries and Christmas Cake” we look forward to the finished wines… in the meantime check out the current crop of Manser Family Wines available here now!