Wine Fundraiser
You drink wine anyway - why not help out a great cause at the same time! You are here because you want to help and you love wine and so every purchase you make from this page will result in a donation to your chosen charity! Please feel welcome to share this page with friends too! Because you have clicked through a specific offer we know which charity you’re here to support. The amount we donate is up to you - every little bit helps! There are packs here with donations ranging from $25 to $50, PLUS, freight is free to anywhere in Australia if your order is for 12 bottles or more. Simply choose the pack that suits and will donate the right amount on your behalf.
Remember, while you're enjoying these quality Australian wines with your family and frie ...
- Platinum Fundraising Dozen (Incl. $50 Donation)Regular Price $806.00 $296.00$806 worth of superb wine here which will set you back just $295. Every one of these wines has received 2 thumbs up from our tasting panel. There’s a Barossa Grenache made from 8 different clones, a rich, black and delicious Barossa Cab, a masterful Cab from the legendary Kilikanoon winery, and 3 exceptional Shiraz from the McLaren Vale, the Barossa Valley and Clare Valley. Read on to see full details on each of these wines. Learn More
- Marvellous Mixed Fundraising Dozen (Incl. $30 Donation)Regular Price $574.00 $250.00Pretty much everything you need for a dinner party here with a Rosé, a couple of whites and 3 reds. Of course, you could just be cheeky and enjoy these yourself - the quality is excellent and the pricing tidy enough to drink these whenever the mood strikes. Learn More