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  1. 919 Wines

    919 Wines

    It takes bold innovators and people with vision to stake a claim where others fear to tread, without Elvis, the Beatles post-LSD or all around weird genius Mike Patton of Faith no More, there would be many a contemporary band that simply would not exist.
    Eric and Jenny Semmler certainly fit this mould. Take a horticulturalist and a pharmacist and the South Australian Riverland and you’d think you'd be in line for some first rate oranges maybe? But throw in around 40 years of wine industry experience and what you end up with is some first rate vino! Founded in 1999 and first planted in 2001 on a patch of Glossop’s finest soil with a serious intent to bring unique and seldom seen varietals to the fore front. With a selection more in the World Music section of your local record store than the top 20 chart hits the range includes varietals like Tempranillo, Vermintino, Durif, Touriga, Petit Manseng and a Pale Dry Apera. The latter adding to a growing
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  2. 2011 919 Tempranillo

    2011 919 Tempranillo

    919 definitely prefer to let the wine do the talking and talk it does. They have a history of making big, bold reds and the 2011 Tempranillo is no exception. At the heart of this belter is cherry, spice and dark chocolate, to get to this though you move through some sour cherry and oaky vanilla, then head out the back to find some silky tannins that reign this girl back in. With a body and length more a kin to models of a bygone era than their sleek and slender modern counterparts, 919’s Tempranillo is quite simply very very good.  919-cellar-door
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