Adam Hollinshead - Director, Marketing & Ecommerce
I came to via video game development. Perhaps not the most natural progression but when you consider that previous to video game development I worked at the old Fassina owned Somerton Liquor Barn on Oaklands Road in Somerton Park, it starts to make a little more sense. In a way I came full circle. The work at allows me to combine two of my passions: technology & wine. Plus, unlike when I worked in video games, no one raises an eyebrow if I have a glass of wine on my desk before noon.

These are a few of my favourite things...

Favourite Food? Tapas, Paella
Wine Du Jour? Temp, Grenache, Sangi - anything savoury
Preferred Music? Trail of Dead, At the Drive In, The Bronx, QOTSA
And to Relax? Combine all the above then stick something stupid on your head