Patatas Bravas
I don’t mind choking down a bit of tapas from time to time … Patatas bravas is pretty simple to make, especially if you make your own passata or tomato sauce at home.

The Passata

The key is to keep the flavours in the passata basic … onion and garlic and to reduce a lot so that the sauce is concentrated. Keep the heat to a simmer so as to retain flavour. No need to scoop the seeds out- but get rid of the skins. For the last half hour. Get the simmer as slow as possible and add as much fresh rosemary as you can (on the wood for easy removal) Bottle and freeze

The Spuds

Choose a spud that crisps up well with roasting but keeps the internal flesh nice and fluffy Cut into cubes of anywhere between 1 and 1.5 cm Put the cubes into a roasting tray, season with salt and white pepper, add plenty of olive oil and roast fairly hot until all sides are crispy Given I have a genuine 1970’s non fanforced oven I can’t really tell you how hot or how long for … you’ll know when they are done. title=patatas-bravas

The Romesco Sauce

Brown some garlic (1 clove per 3 spuds) and sliced red onion over a moderate heat in olive oil for 5 minutes or so Add a stack of smoked Spanish Pimenton (piccante). Its hot, earthy and smoky and absolutely magnificent. Reduce the heat and add some passata… simmer till the sauce is hot through. Add the spuds to the sauce and eat title=patatas-bravas-2 Eat with a red with a bit of silken elegance like Hamilton Burton's Grenache or Geoff Hardy's Hand Crafted Tempranillo.